Cleansing,the right way
How Carrotene works in your night cleansing routine

Carrotene Cleansing Routine
Cleansing balms are one of our favorite skincare products, so today we’re breaking down everything you need to know about using the right cleansing balm. But first, let’s look at the up-and-coming ingredient to skincare, Carrotene.

Carrotene in Skincare
All about Carrotene IPMP
Time and time again, we hear about the benefits of eating your vegetables, like carrots. The ingredient responsible for the benefit is beta-carotene, found in the root of carrot. When beta-carotene is used in skincare, it has a strong anti-inflammatory effect that instantly soothe those painful red acne. Once again, Korean brands have been forerunners to the game in bringing the dinner staple to your vanity, including thyme. APRILSKIN has a whole line of skincare from foaming cleansers to spot treatments, all suitable for acne-prone skin. What’s even more fascinating is that APRILSKIN has trademarked this active ingredient as IPMP(Isopropyl Methyphenol) together as Carrotene IPMP™, to target acne scars for smooth radient skin.

Three Fun Facts
Pumpkin, sweet potatoes, mangoes and papaya are examples of food containing beta-carotene.
Carrotene is spelled with two Rs
β-carotene is the correct spelling. Carrotene with two Rs is our own version at APRILSKIN!
Carrotene in APRILSKIN
APRILSKIN has a whole skincare line dedicated to Carrotene from cleansing balms to body wash.


How to use a Cleansing Balm

Customer Success Stories
My usual cleanser was not removing all of my mineral suncare even with thorough washing. I ordered the balm and cleaner, clearer, and softer skin. Also, I have a gluten allergy and I deeply appreciate the “no gluten” label on the APRILSKIN products. I’m absolutely delighted with cleansing balm
You don’t need to wet your face. It’s completely fine to massage it on top of makeup. It’s way more gentle than a makeup wipe. I’m not going to get wrinkles from this. It was so easy to take off my waterproof mascara.
I used to wash my face and find makeup on my towel after drying it. This no longer happens with the cleansing balm. Removing makeup and stopping acne, a win-win!


We got answers
Yes, yes and yes! The Carrotene IPMP™ Hydromelt Cleansing Balm is vegan, cruelty-free, and gluten-free.
When do I use a cleansing balm?
Cleansing balms remove makeup and excess sebum from the pores. It’s best to use a cleansing balm right away, a.k.a. right when you get home.
Can people with acne prone skin use cleansing balms?
With no artificial colors, no artificial fragrance, no parabens, no sulfates, the cleansing balm was designed to be suitable for acne prone skin!